Wow. Days four and five have been a BLAST. I’ve been having so much fun with this brand new MG Fantasy, and it’s been going pretty well. The word count itself has already been ballooning up, and I have completed 25% of the goal for NaNoWriMo! And it’s only day five!
My total word count is 12,288 for NaNoWriMo. For the manuscript, honestly I just have no idea because there are also a bunch of random notes and things I jotted down for NaNoWriMo so the word count in my word processor won’t be entirely correct. But yeah, NaNoWriMo has been awesome despite post-stomach flu recovery (turns out it’s the stomach flu, not food poisoning I got), and all the extra words are mostly because of the writing sprints!
Okay, back up cuz this is gonna require some explaining. NaNoWriMo basically has an HQ and often times, there will be a host from Dabble (they partner with NaNoWriMo) and he or she will host a YouTube and Dabble live writing sprint! I did the last one on November 4, and if you were there, then you will have seen me in the live chat. The problem is, I can’t do these so easily because I am currently in Thailand. And in Thailand…. well, it’s on the other side of the world so different time zones. I was literally up till 2 am for the last writing sprint, so I won’t be able to do the 3 hour writing marathon. I might do it, but I sure won’t stick around for the whole thing. So, yeah. I had a super late night writing session last night and definitely got my words in! I got 2,600 words in during the writing sprint.
It was actually so much fun! There were a bunch of other writers there, so it was just so much fun to engage with the community! Plus, I got a NaNoWriMo writing buddy! 😀 That I am always looking forward to!
As for my life outside of writing: I have not yet earned the Wellness Badge on NaNoWriMo. That… I do not deserve yet. Parents are the only reason I’m not staying up all night writing away with these crazy marathons. All while I’m recovering from stomach flu. The host seemed to think it was… both funny, interesting, and fantastic that the story was the only thing keeping me awake during the writing sprint. No caffeine (post stomach flu). Just me armed with a bottle of water. But life outside of writing… it’s been going great. I’ve been listening to a lot of songs on Spotify, learning recipes for Christmas!
Also, yes I am also planning for Christmas! And something special’s coming for us on Christmas day. Something special to all the Enchantrians here who enjoyed the previous books… And it’s not presents… Mwahaha. See the next post for more, but I’m sure you can guess what it is.
So I guess that wraps up this writing update. If any of you would like to see/chat/meet me, I will be joining the live writing sprint for NaNoWriMo on November 6 (go see NaNoWriMo’s HQ for more info on this event), and you will likely see me in the Dabble live chat or YouTube live chat or both! Also, my username is Isabelle Knight if you would like to add me as a buddy. I trust you already know enough about to decide if I’m the kind of person you want as a writing buddy.
So, that wraps this up! Thanks so much for coming, everyone and now I have to go back and announce something special! Bye, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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