Writing Update: NaNoWriMo Days 2 and 3

Writing Update NaNoWriMo Days 2 and 3

Whoo! It’s been a hefty writing session, especially with me still recovering from food poisoning from a mall in Thailand (don’t go to a big Lotus’s Go Fresh on the way to Karon Beach that had a mall, toy vending ball machine, and a not great DQ. And if you do, DON’T eat the spaghetti. Fish and chips have my stamp of approval), but I am here again with another writing update, feeling like this should count in my NaNoWriMo word count. But anyway, let’s get into it!

I have somehow managed to achieve daily par every day! For NaNoWriMo, in order to reach 50,000 words in 30 days, you need at least 1667 words a day, and I have managed to achieve that successfully! My brand new MG Fantasy novel is currently at 35,251 words because I started in October. I wrote 1705 words yesterday, and today I topped that with 2017 words! So yay! Woohoo! I hope I maintain this good streak!

Now onto the story. It is going pretty well! My MC has met a cat, and I was oh so happy to include the cat because she (yes, I think it’s a she, but I’m bad at telling apart male and female cats) is oh so beautiful, adorable, and I LOVE CATS! And she helps with books which is a long story that even I don’t know. I’ll have to make it up. I am in the depths of Act Two. There will be a lot of revision for this book, because as I’m writing, I’m getting all these ideas on how to improve the books, ways to make it more engaging, my style, and include more fantasy, but I’m just going to continue forward with what I am doing right now and save all that for later. That’s pretty much the point of NaNoWriMo.

My life outside of writing: So you know the badge that you give yourself on NaNoWriMo? The wellbeing one? The one that you give yourself for taking care of yourself while you’re doing this challenge? Well, let’s just say I haven’t earned it yet. Because (haha) I am not exactly a physically healthy person, but honestly, I am also recovering from food poisoning and a heart rate that could’ve powered a jet engine (it’s gone down now, thank goodness). I am not really that spa, face mask, relaxation gal. Okay, fine, that sounds really nice, but I’m not the kind of person who works and remembers to do those things. And I’m in vacation on Thailand which makes it harder to do these things (and no, I am NOT in a fancy resort on a beach. Think more like tiny condo with neighbor who has nine cats). But my mental health is alright, and I have been hanging out with my new friends so… Honestly, I don’t know. I’ll award myself the badge when I get home and start winding down from, not the day, vacation, or week, THE YEAR. Yeah, 2024 is almost over (sad face. we’re sorry to see you go), and when I get home, I’m going to relax with music, my own bed, and plush pandas (also, if you’re looking for plushies, check out Hailey LeBlanc’s Stuffed Menagerie on Etsy. She is AMAZING, and her crocheted plushies are affordable and are perfect writing buddies for you on this writing challenge journey).

Overall, NaNoWriMo is going… alright with me. It’s a fun and amazing challenge so definitely go check it out along with Haily LeBlanc’s Stuffed Menagerie!

Thank you so much for coming! I have to get back to writing and watching other people bake so I can bake when I get back to home! Buh-bye, and i’ll see you again in the next post!


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About Isabelle Knight 94 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!

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