Writing Update: NaNoWriMo Day One

Writing Update NaNoWriMo Day One

Hey guys! This is Isabelle Knight with a NaNoWriMo update for DAY ONE!!!! Yes, I have joined NaNoWriMo for 2024, and I am so excited about it!!! I am working on a brand new MG fantasy novel while waiting for my proof copies of Enchantria (go check out the ebook if you haven’t yet), and… yeah, that’s what I’ve been up to! (other than dealing with food poisoning x stomach flu).

The working title for my book is KNA, and I actually started writing it in October because I absolutely COULD NOT wait for November, and I am currently at… I think 30,000 something words. I did make the daily word count for NaNoWriMo on day one which is 1,667. I actually wrote more than that, which was pretty much a miracle considering that I am sick. The kind of sick that is rather miserable. But it is currently day two (I’m writing this on day 2), and I’m feeling a bit better! The writing has been going rather well so far, and I just found out that (surprise, surprise) my protagonist is afraid of… (drumroll please)


No wonder she isn’t pleased her sister sent her a carrier pigeon. I just finished up that scene, though I’m not sure it’ll stay. I’m in Act Two, the dreaded Act Two. The Act Two where you get caught in the muddle and the sagging, soggy (those sound pretty similar) mess and self-doubt creeps in. Yeah, I’m having that and honestly wondering if I should even be writing this book. But I’ve already started, so I might as well finish! Um… let’s see, what else has been going on in NaNoWriMo day one? Oh, yeah! I’ve been re-reading Skandar and the Unicorn Thief by A.F Steadman for the third time and have been stealing ideas from it (sorry, A.F Steadman!) for my own book and I’m actually happy with how things are going. I’m managing to keep the self-doubt (the chatter as Gail Carson Levine calls it) down, mostly because I’m sick and have no energy for the chatter.

Oh, and when I mean sick, I mean SICK. Food poisoning or stomach flu or both. Whatever, I went to a mall in Thailand, ate some noodles there. The second I got back… let’s just say I had the classic miserable symptoms and a heart rate that could power a jet engine, and no, I would NOT like to recount it. Also… I MISSED MY BIRTHDAY because of that. My birthday. And yes, I am twelve years old now!!! (Inner thought: Finally as old as Percy Jackson…) I didn’t get a birthday cake though. You can put two and two together to figure out why. And honestly, I have no idea how I dragged myself out of bed to write. But I had literally been waiting for NaNoWriMo ALL YEAR, so… yeah, this is a once in a year chance for me!

Anyway, yeah, I guess this wraps up this writing update. I have got to get back to writing! Oh, and just a note: There is an AMAZING YouTuber here on earth – Hailey LeBlanc (or at least, I THINK that’s her name) – Her channel is called Haily in Bookland, and she is utterly amazing! She also does crochet and a new bunch of her crocheted stuffed animals will be available on Etsy on November 8, so you should DEFINITELY go check them out! They are adorable, cuddly, and are honestly just perfect stuffed companions on your NaNoWriMo journey! I think it’s called the Stuffed Menagerie.

Bye bye you all and I’ll see you again in the next writing update! Buh-bye!


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About Isabelle Knight 94 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!

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