Signed Books? By Moi?

Signed Books? By Moi?

Hello, everyone!!!! Isabelle Knight here again with exciting news!!! So, as you know, I am the author of the Enchantria series, aaand…. Weelllll, I’ve wanted to do a book signing for a really long time!!! But due to where I live, sadly, that’s not really possible. BUT.

I just thought of the next best thing!!! SIGNED DIGITAL BOOKS!!!! Yes!!! You heard that right! I shall be signing digital copies of Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir!!! Eeeeeek! Exciting!

No idea if anyone’s gonna show up, but this is just so exciting anyways! So the way this is going to go is that there will be a Google Forms linked down below for you to provide all the necessary stuff (email, name you want on the book), and the first 50 people to do this will get a digital signed copy of Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir!

It’ll last till the end of February, so there’s a month for people to sign up, and eeek, I am so excited for this! My first book signing! Hurrah!

Hopefully you won’t mind a SLIGHTLY sloppy signature. I’ve been practicing! But it’s not as easy as when you have an actual pen on paper… But still! You shall get my signature on the title page of the book, and I’ll sign the book for you with hand/mouse/stylus writing!

So there isn’t really that much of an explanation needed, and I’m realizing that this post is way shorter than my previous ones. But still amazing too, right? ;D

The link to the Google Form will be at the end of this post! So yeah, thank you guys so much for coming and a HUGE thank you to all the people who read Enchantria! A story only really comes to life when people start reading it, so thank you so much! I shall see you in the next blog post that will (hopefully) involve way less screaming, all caps, and exclamation marks. Oh dear… I do think reading through all of Tui T. Sutherland’s blog posts has started rubbing off on me… Oh well.


P.S. And of course, we need the Google Forms link, so here it is!

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About Isabelle Knight 76 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the author of Enchantria: Guardian's Heir which is the first book in the Enchantria series! I'm a self-published author, and I have been writing ever since I was ten. When I'm not writing, I'm usually watching My Little Pony, reading, drawing, and playing with cats!


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