Release Date and Revealing the Awesome, Amazing Title of Book Three and a Huger Cover Teaser!!!

Release Date and Revealing the Awesome, Amazing Title of Book Three and a Huger Cover Teaser!!!

Oh my gosh. Here we are. A book three. I cannot believe this!!! Eek! I know a lot of you have been waiting for the title of book three… Well, here is it!!! I am SUPEEEER stoked to announce it!!! And to those of you who already guessed the title by all my hints and the scrambled version, congrats!!!

Now… hold your breaths people.

The title of book three is… CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo!!! Stunning, huh? (Please say yes; it was not easy to create with Canva…) I am SO stoked to announce the title and release of book three with you all, and I hope you’re looking forward to reading book three!!! And now, a huger reveal of the actual cover!!!!

🥰🥰😁😁😁I am oh so happy with how the cover is turning out, and I hope you’re excited to see the final product!!! And now a few more announcements:

Cover Reveal!

Yes, you heard that right. I will be doing a cover reveal, on my blog and YouTube channel, VEERY soon. How soon? I have set a date for the cover reveal!!! And it is…

November 26 2024!!!

I hope you’re looking forward to it!

Release Date

The release date of book three will be none other than my favorite holiday of ALL TIME… (drumroll please)

Christmas Day!!! (AKA December 25 2024)

:DDDDDD. I hope you’re looking forward to it!!! And of course, it will be available for pre-order on November 27th, the day after the cover reveal!!!!

And a short excerpt from Chapter One of the book! If you have not read the previous books, why not? Go check them out cuz I believe this excerpt will provide spoilers.

Elenora looked up from her book as her best friend, Ariella, tapped her on the shoulder. “What is it?” she asked.

Ariella pointed toward the camp clearing, where a group of guardians and their guardians-in-training had gathered around a tall figure at the center of the clearing – Queen Rosaleen.

“Oh, right,” muttered Elenora, snapping her book shut. She must’ve missed the summoning call.
Today was the day. The day that Queen Rosaleen announced who would be going as delegates of Enchantria.

“Find anything useful?” Ariella asked, nodding at the book. Her red wavy hair fell over it as she bent down.

Elenora shook her head. Ever since she’d returned to camp, she’d been scouring the books in the camp’s library, searching for some explanation for her mysterious magic. So far, she’d found nothing. Either your parents had magic and you inherited it, or your parents didn’t and you were born without magic. That was all she could figure out.

“You’ll have to search for an answer later,” Ariella said, tugging on Elenora’s arm. “We can’t miss this.”
With a resigned sigh, Elenora stashed the book under her pillow and allowed Ariella to pull her out the door and into the camp clearing.

They reached the clearing just as Queen Rosaleen began her announcement.

“-have heard a few days ago, a Meeting of Leaders will be held. Today is the day that I will announce who will be going as delegates of Enchantria,” the queen was saying.

Elenora stretched on her tiptoes to peer over the crowd.

“The delegates shall be… Elenora and Thalia,” Queen Rosaleen announced.

Her words sliced through the air, leaving a stunned silence in its wake.

Ta-da! There ya go! An excerpt of Chapter One of Enchantria: Champion!!! Thank you all so much for coming, and I’ll see you again in the next post!!! Bye!!!


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About Isabelle Knight 94 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!

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