Hey, writers! This pep talk is for you – all of you. Not just the Wrimos, but all of you. Why? Because right now, at this very moment, you are doing something truly amazing. Something that’s magical. You’re writing.
And some of you might scoff at this. Say that you’re just writing a silly little story and typing on a keyboard or scribbling on a piece of paper. But that’s not what you’re doing. Okay, fine, that is probably what you are doing and what you have done over the course of NaNoWriMo. But that’s not all you’re doing.
You’re writing a story. And that is a feat in itself. Writing is not for the faint of heart, and it certainly isn’t just typing or scribbling on a keyboard. It’s writing. It’s creating a whole story! Stories aren’t just words on paper, dear reader/writer/both. They’re living, breathing creatures. It’s not easy to create a story, and you know it. Stories are made up of the hearts and souls of writers! They come from the very depths of our imagination, from the darkest depths of our minds. From the part of us that hopes, dreams, believes!
When we write, we’re learning more about ourselves. We discover more about our fears, what makes us scared, what makes us brave, what we love. What we truly believe. And at the same time, we’re crafting our own worlds! A world that one day, someone will pick up, read, and love. Readers discover a lot about themselves through reading, just like writers do through writing! They learn with the characters, grow with the story, cry with the story, breathe and live in the story’s world!
And I know this because I’m a reader. And I still remember the day I picked up a book – and then a million more – how it changed my life. Because stories really can change the world, you know. I remember how all through my childhood and tweens, I have been inspired by the millions of stories out there. They have taught me so much, including how to dream, believe, and chase our dreams.
And when we write, we learn too. And the reader learns with us. Stories aren’t just words written on paper. They’re actual worlds, living breathing beasts that take the reader – and often times the writer too – into an adventure of a lifetime. Stories put us in the shoes of another person, let us experience things we never would’ve experienced otherwise – being at the bottom of the ocean, learning magic, defending whole realms, riding a pegasus!
And it’s not just that. Stories bring us together. They show us the world – a different world from a whole new perspective. They let us know that we. Are. Not. Alone. They make the reader feel… a million things. Love, despair, friendship, strength, unity. And hope. Stories bring a whole lot of hope into the world when we see… a world. A world where creativity, friendship, strength, and hope matter.
And all that matters in this world too. All that is important. Every word you’re writing is adding to something bigger – something important, something that could change the world! Don’t ever think that your story is silly or isn’t worth telling. Because it is worth telling. You’re creating something magical, something only you can create. And sure, there are gonna be moments of doubt, when it’s crashing down onto you and you feel like you’re drowning in it. But every writer has felt that way. Even your favorite authors. Even me.
Writing sure isn’t easy. That’s part of the reason why it’s so worth doing.
Keep going, no matter what. You’re doing something truly amazing! Keep chasing your dreams, imagining the day when your book becomes a bestseller, even when it feels impossible. You are creating something magical, something that one day, will give us hope and magic when we most need it.
And once you reach the end, you’ll know that you did something extraordinary. Though, personally, there isn’t really an end to the journey of magic. Over the course of NaNoWriMo, you have been building a story, creating something that only you can create! And it doesn’t matter if you reach 50K or not. That’s not the point of NaNoWriMo. Sure, that’s the goal they set. But the real goal is to get you writing – to get you crafting your amazing, awesome story! If you’ve written during NaNoWriMo, whether it’s 50K words or just a few hundred, then that’s success. You’ve written.
The only failure is giving up. Truly giving up. And for writers, that often isn’t really an option for us.
So keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep creating the stories this world needs! Trust me, the world needs them – and it needs you.
Also, thank you to the wonderful community of writers who I’ve met over the course of NaNoWriMo!!! I am so thankful for this challenge. It has connected me to so many writers and together, we’ve learned and shared so many lessons and experiences! It’s been really amazing! Also, shout-out to all my writing buddies – Lillian S, Beth, Luca, Jess, Adella, MepKat (I don’t know your actual name… so…), Samantha, Tania, Nyxie, and Rose! Also, a thank you to Shannon Messenger! I don’t know you personally, but I love your books and thank you so much for giving me a whole source of inspiration for KNA! And thank you to Gail Carson Levine. You all changed my life, especially Gail Carson Levine.
All of you have absolutely changed my life. Through NaNoWriMo, I have gotten a chance to meet people who are just like me – writers. And writing is a lonely task. But it doesn’t have to be. There are a lot of people like you out there, people who are doing amazing things! Keep doing them, dear writer. Because what you do matters. It matters a lot. You’re bringing light, hope, and an escape into a world in a time when people really need them. So keep going. You are doing amazing. You don’t have to sell a million copies or become a bestseller. You just need to write. And someday, someone will find your book. And if you’re not writing for the readers, write for yourself. Write to discover what you’re made of, write to find where you belong.
Keep writing. Because what you’re doing matters. You’re changing lives.
You put this so well!!
They should put this up on Nanowrimo’s website! You really capture the magic and power of writing here!