Phew! (collapses from both joy and relief) Hey, guys! Isabelle Knight here again with another author interview!!! So, I recently met Elle McFadzean because I was one of her ARC readers for her brand new, debut middle-grade fantasy novel, The Potion Experiment, which is so much fun!! And I reached out to her to do an interview!
She agreed!!! Hurray!!! And it’s a video interview!!!! And I just posted it on YouTube! Which means you guys can watch Elle and I chat about books, writing, parallel worlds, and even how architecture has helped her in writing her book, here! If that embed below doesn’t work, then just use the link in the previous sentence.
It was honestly so much fun to speak with Elle in person, she was absolutely fantastic, and she gave amazing writing advice, which you shall hear at the end of the video! I am so grateful to have spoken with Elle face-to-face, and it definitely made my morning!!! ^^ Best morning of my life! (okay, fine, it MIGHT have to compete with Christmas morning but I didn’t get to interview an awesome author on Christmas!!! Even though I did get a book….hehe…)
I’ve actually never done an interview in the morning before, and it was refreshing! Totally made my day, lifted my spirits, and my brain was not fogged up from a whole afternoon of writing and reading!! I did have to get up earlier, though, since Elle’s in Australia, and the interview took place at 10:40 am here in China.
Yes, I do sleep in sometimes. So…. hehe.
But yeah! Definitely go check out that video, along with her book, The Potion Experiment!!! I had so much fun! Adios for now!
P.S. I did ask her about dropbears (not on camera), and yay, they are not real and there are no koala look-alikes in Australia about to drop down on your head and possibly devour you! 🙂 Um… Okay, that probably got dark. Sorry.
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