Hi! Isabelle Knight back again! So, this is another writing update and it’s got some great news! (takes a breath)
The second draft of the third book in the Enchantria series is finished! Yay! I am so happy! I literally just typed the last sentence of the book at about three o’ clock after class. Yay! I am starting on revising book four now. I know some people would write book three, wait a few days, then go back to revise it without starting on book four but when I finish a book and need to let it sit, I just start on the first draft of another book. Because I cannot bear to stop writing. Not even for a day.
Book four is going to need some serious revision, especially because of the changes I made in the third book. Did I mention I hate revision? Sigh… Right now, I am using a board and sticky notes to sort of make a new outline for book four. I am normally a pantser (I don’t plot out my books ahead of time) but I’ve already got the first draft and it’s a mess and I’m desperate. Honestly, I think it’s not that bad. It’s working pretty well.
Basically, I’ve got a whiteboard that my dad bought and never used and a pack of heart shaped sticky notes that keep curling up which is kinda annoying sometimes. I write down some important plot points in my book onto my sticky notes (or I go scene-by-scene. Now that I think about it, that’s gonna take a lot of sticky notes) and stick them on the whiteboard. Then I brainstorm some things I could add or change to the scenes. Then I write those down on some other sticky notes and stick those sticky notes beneath the plot point sticky notes. Does that make sense? Because now that I’ve written it down it looks complicated. Honestly, it’s not really that complicated. If you want to understand it, I recommend watching Natalia Leigh’s videos. She’s an indie author and she shares great writing tips on her YouTube channel, including revision/editing tips.
I think that’s about it for this writing update. I really need to get back to revising book four. 😐 Not a fan of revision. Oh, and the cover reveal for Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter is coming out on May 31 along with the Book of the Month recommendation!
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