Writing/Author Update for 3/9/2025 – Ack! Chaotic Saturdays! Characters! Get Moving on Thine Queeeeeessstttt!!! (but how??)

Writing Update for March 9 2025

The reason this is an AUTHOR update and not that much of a WRITING update is because, well, I shall be talking about authorly business in this blog. Maybe a bit of writing, but mostly authorly business. You guys have no idea how much I really wanna share writing updates with you, but I’ve now learned that I work best when all my writing and secrets are kept to myself, waiting for them to be refined till THE GRAND REVEAL!!! Therefore, I am so sorry but I cannot tell you about all the writing going on rn!!! 😭 Though I may be ranting a bit about writing later on in the post… Not sure.

I honestly was in such a huge slump recently with YAAARGH WHAT DO I DO WITH MY BOOK?! And that was chaotic. Saturday was a very busy day too, with me writing and also doing a lot of authorly stuff which I shall now tell you guys about!

So, first, comp titles!!! Comp titles are basically comparision titles, and I finally decided to find some comp titles for Enchantria and also update the book blurb!!! Hurray!!! Finding comp titles was….. VERY VERY hard. Mainly because Enchantria is a huge mish mash of different ideas from stuff like Warriors, Bayala, video games, an old movie I once watched, and Percy Jackson. So…. Hehehe…

BUT. I did manage to come up with some!!! Hurrahhhh!!!! *cheers* And those comp titles are…

  • Wilderlore by Amanda Foody
  • Nightingale by Deva Fagan
  • Starfell by Jessica Renwick

And um………. You know, that’s all I came up with haha…… But it’s enough for the actual book blurb!!! As for when I need a whole real list of comp titles…. Well, I’ll see when that pops up!

But yeah! And also, here is the newly updated book blurb for Enchantria!!!!

A spellbinding, middle-grade fantasy from debut author, Isabelle Knight. Perfect for fans of Gail Carson Levine and Deva Fagan, as well as readers of Wilderlore and the Starfell series.

In a land of magic, secrets, and stars, one girl must fulfill a prophecy and save them all.

Elena Ramirez’s mother vanished eleven years ago, leaving behind only a golden key that unlocks… absolutely nothing. Or so she thought. On her sixteenth birthday, Elena discovers the key holds a magical secret, and she’s pulled in through a portal into the kingdom of Enchantria.

But not all is as it seems. As an ancient prophecy unfolds, Elena is forced to become on of the guardians of the land and she and her friends will have to embark on a perilous quest to seek the Tribe – an ancient group of people who may not even exist. And if she fails Enchantria will fall to its greatest enemy – a sorceress of shadows and ravens who has waited centuries for her chance to rule.

Magic, mystery, and destiny collide in this thrilling middle grade adventure about courage, friendship, and belonging.


But yeah!! That’s the new book blurb for the Enchantria series! Waaaaayyyy better than the one I came up with previously…. Which I also came up with in 20 minutes in the early morning (hey, don’t blame me!! It wasn’t a bad book blurb!!!) Does this make you wanna read the book?


And March is definitely going to be a chaotic month…. Yahhh!!! So much to do!! So fun! Yet so HECTIC… 0_0 I have three author interviews lined up, none of which are written, and one of them is with my favorite author EVER!!!!!! EEEEK!!! Not telling you guys who it is yet, but you can try and guess, assuming you’ve been on my blog long enough to know! ;D

Aaaaaaand, I did say that I wouldn’t be posting about my writing anymore… But I do need some help, sadly. And that’s because I just set my characters off on this quest to find something that could save or destroy the kingdom, and I don’t even know what’s going to happen in the quest! Seriously! I’m just stuck staring at that blank page…

I know the end.

I know the climax.

Now how in the stars do I get there??

And they also need some clue to help them find the thing but I already used a riddle in book two, and I don’t want to just do any ordinary quest!!! THAT’s the problem I’m having right now.

If you guys have any suggestions… please help!!!!! I SHALL BE FOREVER GRATEFULL!!!! T.T (can you tell I’m panicking rn??)

But yeah! That’s what’s been going on lately. Heheheheee… Soooo a lot. But yeah! I guess that’s all I have to say in this post? Thank you guys so much for coming and I will see you again in the next post! HOPEFULLY I will have figured out the quest dilemma by then…


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About Isabelle Knight 102 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!

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