Oh. My. Stars. The time has come, people, and I could not be more happier!!!! EEEEK! The moment we’ve all been waiting for has come!!! The cover reveal of my newest book – book three in the Enchantria series!!!!!!!
I promised you a cover reveal, so let’s not ramble any further and may I present to you….

OMG, I cannot believe it!!! I love this cover so much, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for the release of book three. Oh, and by the way, I forgot to tell you guys.
I know I said that the original release date was December 25, Christmas Day, but… I’ve decided to change the release date. Just a small change! Promise! And it’s not a delay, rather the opposite.
Rather than the release date being Christmas Day, I’ve decided that the release date of book three will be December 23 instead! For many reasons. One, the sooner it’s released the better, and I feel like a lot of people are gonna be busy on Christmas. Plus, this way, you can get this book for your Christmas present! XDDD
So yeah! Thank you guys so much for coming!!!! I’ll see you in the next post!!!
Your book cover is breathtaking and gorgeous and magical!!! I adore it wholeheartedly!!!!