Hey, guys!!! Just wanted to share something exciting!! Another author interview!!! So, I recently read an awesome book called The Last Human, which is an amazing book! It’s a middle-grade science fiction that’s fast-paced, has incredible writing, and really touches on the heart of friendship! I loved it so much, and I actually reached out to the writer of that book, Lee Bacon, to do an author interview!!!
He said yes! Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it’s a video call interview, which you can find here!
I’ve also embedded the video below, but in case YouTube calls you to sign in in case you’re a robot, just use the link above!
This interview was so much fun! Not as long as the one with Valinora Troy, so I hope you’ll stick around till to end to watch Lee Bacon and I chat about books, writing, and how long it would take to count to a million! I am so so so SO happy I was actually able to do this!!! Being able to talk to other writers is absolutely amazing!!!
But yeah! Go check that out, and I’ll see you in the next post! And DEFINITELY don’t forget to check out Lee Bacon’s books! They’re awesome!!!
Great interview, Isabelle! 🙂 The last Human sounds really good fun!
Thanks for watching it!!! Yes, The Last Human is awesome! You should read it sometime! I think you’d like it! 🙂