Another Free Verse Poem I Wrote: The Star’s Guiding Light

Hello! So, summer vacation is coming up and I am so excited! I absolutely love summer vacation because I can get a break from school and all that crazy stuff and just relax. I do plan to spend most of my time writing. Ha ha. So, technically, it’s not exactly a break. Although not writing for a day would just be torture to me so… 😄 Anyway, another thing I love about summer is stargazing. I don’t know about you, but where I live, summer is the best time to go stargazing. The sky’s (usually) clear and it is just perfect for stargazing! I wrote a free verse poem based on it.

Every single
I glance up
at the sky,
at the deep blue
that envelopes
the land.
I glance up
to see
dancing across the
night sky,
with a glowing
belonging to them
and them only.
The same stars
that guided
our ancestors
across land
and sea
for millions
and millions
of years.
The same stars
that guided
to freedom.
I glance up
to see
the stars
giving hope
to all
who believe.

I hope you liked this free verse poem! Thanks for coming! Also, the cover reveal for Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter is coming on May 31 along with the Book of the Month recommendation!


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About Isabelle Knight 76 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the author of Enchantria: Guardian's Heir which is the first book in the Enchantria series! I'm a self-published author, and I have been writing ever since I was ten. When I'm not writing, I'm usually watching My Little Pony, reading, drawing, and playing with cats!

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