A Book Review of Deva Fagan’s ‘Nightingale’

A Book Review of Deva Fagan's 'Nightingale'

Hello, everyone! Isabelle Knight here again with another middle-grade book review! The book I will be reviewing today is a fantabulous, adventurous, wondrous middle-grade fantasy that I picked up with Kindle Unlimited, and I think it’s absolutely WONDERFUL!!

And now… the book I will be reviewing today is…

Nightingale by Deva Fagan!

As I’ve said, I read this with Kindle Unlimited, and I think it is a fantastic book, perfect for kids, and full of adventure, fantasy, and friendship!! I even remember reading this at the dinner table and I was at the climax, and every two pages, I’d be going, “NO!” and my mom and dad gave me weird looks. XD Oh well! There was also a particular point where I shouted, “I KNEW he was evil!” So… yeah! A really adventurous story!

Nightingale is about a twelve-year-old girl named Lark. She’s a thief, an orphan, and she lives at a horrible boarding house and longs to get away from the simply awful Miss Starvenger, who runs the boarding house. And so, she comes up with a grand scheme to steal her fortune from the Royal Museum. But her heist doesn’t go quite as planned, and she ends up stealing a magical sword from Prince Jasper. She soon discovers that the magical sword has a mind of its own, and it’s chosen her to be the new Nightingale, a fabled, legendary hero who has to defeat an ancient evil. And so, Lark must embark on a series of perilous adventures and, with the help of her boarding house roommates and Prince Jasper, defeat that evil!!

I absolutely love this book! It’s full of heart and friendship and lots of magic!! The characters were oh-so fun, especially the Sword, and I feel like all the worldbuilding in this book was pure magic! It was so rich and detailed, and it felt like it was a whole other world itself, which is always a good thing! It dragged me straight out of the dinner table and right into the story!!

The characters here are, as I’ve said, so much fun! They all have their really vivid personalities, and you can really tell who is who, especially Sophie! Deva Fagan does a brilliant job of making you care for the characters, scream, “NOO!” when they’re in danger, and making you hate the awful characters (like Miss Starvenger)! My favorite characters in this book were undoubtedly Lark, Sophie, and of course, the Sword!!! Some might say a sword doesn’t count as a character, but the Sword has such a mind of its own and is so alive that to me, it is definitely a character! Like Vajra, from Aru Shah (another awesome book you guys have to read!!) All the relationships between the characters were so well-written too! The friendships were so fun and hilarious, and it really makes you root for them every step of the way!

The plot was so adventurous!! I feel like the characters really grow along with the plot, and that everything that happened was just really magical, adventurous, dramatic, and revealed some hidden secret bit by bit!! The plot twists were amazing too, and not way out of the blue like some others I could mention! My favorite part of the book… Oof, this is a really hard question since the whole adventure is just so fantastic, but I guess my favorite part of the book is when Lark gets her sort of costume from Prince Jasper. Fine, I’ll admit, the costume is cool, but what I loved most about it was that it appeared that Lark was finally starting to believe in herself, which was really heartwarming!!! I also loved the climax! It felt like it was really the part of the story that the book had been building up to for so long, and it did not disappoint!!! It was so dramatic, adventurous, and was totally the part where I was half-shouting, “NO!” And there are also so many other scenes I love (like the scene where Lark takes the other girls to a sort of place where you get fizzy drinks) that I simply could not list them all.

Another thing I like about this book is that it kinda feels both character and plot driven. I’ve read some stories that are just character-driven (LOVE character driven stories!!) and some that are just plot-driven, and I definitely do prefer the character-driven ones better. But I feel like this book was absolutely perfect in both cases!!! I’d say it’s a mix of character-driven and plot-driven because on one hand, you have the unwilling hero (or I guess I should say, heroine), who is learning and growing gradually throughout the book and who you really feel for, and there’s also a bunch of exciting, adventurous stuff happening at the same time!

So, yeah! Overall, I loved this book so much, and I think it is a fantastic middle-grade fantasy that everyone should read! Kids of all ages will love it, and I think this is the kind of middle-grade fantasy book that kids would love to read before bed!! I highly recommend it to lovers of middle-grade fantasy, parents and kids alike, and to fans of Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend, The Dragon Warrior by Katie Zhao, and The Lucky Diamond Trilogy by Valinora Troy!

Anyway, I guess that wraps up this book review! Thank you guys so much for coming, and I’ll see you again in the next post!!! Also, don’t forget to check out Marvelous Middle Grade Monday here, where you will find even more middle-grade book reviews from fantastic people!!!!! Farewell for now!


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About Isabelle Knight 104 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!


  1. I’ve never read anything by Devan Fagan but this sounds like one I’d really like. I enjoy stories that are plot-driven but also have interesting characters. Thanks for your great review.

  2. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Isabelle! I have three days left in my current KU subscription, I guess I better start this book today! Thanks for the recommendation, great review as always!

    • :))) Of course! It’s an awesome book! The magic! The world! The fun!! Hehe. And yes, this book is AMAZING!!! Go read it! Go love it! It’s so much fun!! And thanks for reading! ^^

  3. I hadn’t heard of this one so thanks for featuring your review on this week’s MMGM. Your overflowing use of adjectives in describing the plot has me anxious to give it a read.

    • Haha, well I hope you do read it!! I was just looking back at the review after your comment, and I realize that I did put a lot of adjectives in here… Haha! Thanks for reading, and thank you so much for having me on another Monday!! 🙂

    • Oh yay! :)) Now I simply must go read ‘The Mirrorwood’… Thanks for reading! I’m really glad you enjoy Deva Fagan’s books!

  4. This one is new to me as well, but your review makes it sound so good. I love lots of plot twists, and while like you, I prefer character-driven, the best books are a combination of both. Thanks for such an enthusiastic review!

  5. You are a girl after my own heart–you love books and the worlds that they take you to. Thanks for the very descriptive review. How do I sign up to follow your blog?

    • Aww, thanks!! Um, you can’t yet, mainly because my dad is the one who manages everything on my blog (technology hates me), and I have tried to do it on my own, but haven’t figured it out yet… At least, not without messing up the whole blog.

      But yeah, I love this book! Thanks for reading!!

      • Scratch that, THERE IS NO OPTION TO ADD ONE!!! Or at least, I can’t find one… At all. I can’t find one ANYWHERE!! TECH HATES ME!!!!!
        Well, if any of you know how to add one on a WordPress blog, please do help!

        • I’m on WordPress also but I can’t see where that is on my site – but people sign up so it must be somewhere! Do you remember where you signed up on my webpage and I will find out for you!

          • Thank you so much for offering!! It’s on the bottom right and it has a subscribe button. I did ask my dad, and he said he’ll try and find it, though, so maybe you won’t need to? Hopefully if all goes well!

  6. That book sounds really exciting. ( That memory you shared of yelling at the dinner table is really funny 🙂 )

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