Hi! Isabelle Knight here again! Wow, it feels like forever since I’ve done a writing update. Mainly because productivity has been low. I mean, really low. I usually write about two thousand words a day. Now I’m lucky to get a few hundred. But, I mean, it’s still progress, right? And I’m just going to take a line from Izzy from My Little Pony: Make Your Mark. “No, I’m genuinely asking!” (picture me saying this in a desperate voice)
Okay, fine, maybe I’m not that desperate. But still… not that happy about this. Sigh… You know how Stephen King said (also, this may not be word for word since I cannot totally memorize it all. I’ve only ever read this phrase once) ‘sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.’ I do not enjoy being eaten by a bear. 😑🐻
Anyway, today I just found out that I made a big mistake. Big. I think I messed up big time. So… when I’m done with the first draft of the book, I let it sit and then go on to write the second book in the series. So this is what I did for Enchantria:
- Wrote book two
- Wrote book three
- Revised book one
- Continued writing book three
- Wrote book four
- Revised book three
- Revised book four
- Stopped mid-revision on book four to revise book two
- Revise book two
So… I don’t think this is that great a plan. Because if you revise a book, one teeny-tiny change will cause a huge ripple effect through the series. And then you’ll end up having to revise all books. But if I got like the final draft for each of the books before I started on the next book… okay, this will take some explaining. If I got the final draft and published book one, then I started on book two, that wouldn’t be great for me. Because sometimes I get an idea when I’m writing book two and then I really like it. But that idea would require foreshadowing in book one, or something would’ve had to happen in book one. You see the problem? Or maybe you don’t because I didn’t make it clear. I hope it’s clear. Anyway, that’s the problem. And I’m a pantser, not a plotter, so…
Anyway, I think this will wrap up this writing update. I’m sorry for it being this short, I normally do longer writing updates, but I really need to get back to revising book two of the Enchantria series. Thanks for coming and I’ll see you next time!
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