Hello! It’s me, Isabelle Knight here again! Wow. I feel like I haven’t done a writing update in a long time. Mainly because I haven’t been doing a whole lot of writing lately. I’ve been getting kind of stuck in the mud with revising book two of the Enchantria series. But I’m good now! (I think. Not too certain)
So, today I’ve been editing Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter, revising book two, made a book cover for my friend, and gotten my brain all fuzzy and muddy and tangled into knots by struggling to decide between matte and glossy book covers. I know I’m just publishing the ebook for now because I have no idea how to do a paperback, but I can’t stop myself from worrying about the paperback! (Deep breath). Let’s just get on with the writing update.
I did some edits for Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter and while doing that, I realized that the inciting incident was happening way too soon. Which means… you guessed it. A bit more revision. 😑 I hate revision. Revision is my least favorite part of writing. Anyway, I decided to keep the inciting incident where it was and just to change the pacing so that it’s not too rushed. The inciting incident happens on the first page, and I want to keep it that way.
Revision for the second book is going rather well. I sent the characters on a quest, but I felt their journey was a bit boring. So, I added something to shake things up a bit and add some foreshadowing. A Shadow Serpent. Okay, so that’s a slight spoiler. I won’t tell you what a Shadow Serpent is, but I’m you can guess by the name. Shadow Serpent.
I also did a few edits for book three. I discovered something really, really cool. Greek transliteration. I won’t give away too much, but you’ll be spotting some Greek transliteration in the book. Well, if I can just get that annoying Kindle Create to support the formatting. 😑 Every time I try and customize the font for my book, Kindle always changes it. So… I might just have to include Greek transliteration as a picture.
Oh, and because Kindle doesn’t allow you to customize fonts… well, this will take some explaining. So, I am writing a book on how to write a book and I need custom fonts that look playful. Otherwise, the book is very plain and boring and unappealing. But I can’t get Kindle to allow me to customize fonts!!!!!!!! I don’t know if it’s the same for paperbacks. If it is… I’m going to be so mad. Imagine steam blowing out of my ears. Kindle is annoying sometimes. Sigh.
Anyway, enough of my ranting. You might be wondering what Greek transliteration is. It’s basically using Greek letters to represent English letters. It’s really cool and looks so mysterious and magical! This is what it looks like:

Ta-da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It translates to ‘An Ancient Study of Magic’. Also, I do not speak/understand Greek transliteration that well. I know what it says because I’m the one who typed it in. Anyway, how cool is that?! I am so excited to publish book three and include that in! Yay! I am so glad I found this!
Well, I think that wraps up this writing update. Thank you so much for coming and I’ll see you again in the next post!
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