Writing Update for 12/9/2024

Writing Update for December 9 2024

Snores on the keyboard. 💤💤😴😴

Some unknown person – “ISABELLE!”

Me – YAHHHHHH!!!! WHAT TIME IS IT?! Oh.. (realizes where I am).

Hey, hey, hey everyone!!! Welcome back to another long overdue writing update! In case you were wondering, all that snoring is because I am tired. I wrote a lot today and literally just finished filming a write with me video that was really a lot like a writing marathon and I wrote three thousand words!!!

Which is AMAZING! My goal for December is to write 60K, and I’m like… 50 percent of the way there!!! I’m currently working on the third draft of KNA, my brand new soon to come (hopefully) MG fantasy! And if you’re wondering how I completed three drafts so fast, I didn’t. The second draft I literally replaced my main character and i didn’t even make it past the inciting incident. XD

But I’m much happier with the way things are going in the third draft, and I’m actually having a lot of fun! I’m also really looking forward to where the book is going to to end up! It’s so thrilling to torture the characters…. Okay, okay, okay, fine! I didn’t mean it….a lot…. 😈😈

But seriously, though, it’s really fun being able to write and just go with the flow for this book! Also, funny thing, my MC’s initials are literally MC. You guys are welcome to guess her name in the comments below! I don’t think you’ll guess right, though. Because I totally made up the name.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been working on these past few days! It’s been really fun, especially since I have my writing buddies to help me through all this! It’s definitely way funner to be able to write with a friend. The only dreadful thing going on is my fingers. No, I do not have another bout of carpal tunnel.

It’s the cold.


The cold, people. THE COLD! It’s horrible to type with cold fingers. And I’m practically freezing every second of every day!!!! The air conditioner keeps me a bit warmer, but my fingers are still cold. And stiff. Yesterday I was sprinting with my writing buddy, and I thought I had carpal tunnel again because my fingers started tingling.

It was not carpal tunnel. It was the cold! It’s the worst! And it’s not even snowing… Cold without snow is just… dreadful in my book. And I’ve been planning for Christmas, frowning because my proof copies are 6 by 9 instead of the usual 5 by 8 (inches, of course. But it’s too late to change that so… shrugs), and just writing and sprinting with my writing buddies.

And my attempts to wake up early at 6 have been thwarted by the dreadful cold, so…. yeah. It’s way too cold to get up! And I was feeling pretty unwell with my stuffy nose earlier today. 😑🥶🤧

Anyway, that wraps up this writing update for the dreaded winter! And if this end seems too sudden, it’s cuz I can’t type any longer. So thank you guys so much for coming, and I’ll see you again in the next post!!!


P.S. I specifically chose these colors for the featured image. They are perfect for winter!

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About Isabelle Knight 94 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!

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