Reading, Writing, and Everything-In-Between with Isabelle Knight and Journey Bloomfield (yes, a virtual author event!!!)

Reading Writing and Everything-In-Between with Isabelle Knight and Journey Bloomfield

IT’S OFFICIAL!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! I cannot believe it!! So, hello, everyone!!! Isabelle Knight here with super, amazing, exciting news that you will never hear the end of! Exciting news that I’ve been planning for a while!!!! And you know what, let’s just cut to the chase!!!!

To celebrate the end of National Reading Month, Journey Bloomfield and I will be hosting a virtual author event/chat on March 31, 10 AM EST to talk about writing, reading, the importance of reading, the magic of storytelling, and we’ll be doing a live Q and A at the end! The thing is now scheduled, and I will post the link down below for you to check it out!

And our official title is Reading, Writing, and Everything-In-Between with Isabelle Knight and Journey Bloomfield!!!

This is oh-so exciting, and I cannot wait to host a live event!!! I am super worried that no one will show up, but…. Hopefully people do! If you’re interested, please please please try and attend! Pretty please? It’ll mean a lot to me! I cannot wait to meet everyone who is going to be attending!

Eeek! Oh my gosh!!! I cannot believe it!!! It’s actually official!! It’s actually happening!!! And soon!!! Something I never thought I’d actually be able to do!!!



We’re still going over notes and all that, but we do know for certain that we are going to chat a bit about reading, writing, and everything-in-between! To be more specific, you guys will get to hear about how we started reading as kids, what reading means to us, why we think people should read more, and what we think the magic of stories are! And you’ll also get to hear a bit about how we wrote our books, our writing processes, how reading shaped our writing, and a few weird stories behind how we get ideas!

And of course, at the end, there is a live Q & A, so if you guys have any questions you’ve been dying to ask me about writing and reading (keep your questions appropriate and spoiler-free), feel free to drop some in the Q & A near the end!!! We’ll also share some of our favorite childhood books and some tips for sparking a love of reading! 🙂

And the best part? If you do come, you’ll also get to hang out with other writers! Feel free to chat and mingle during the virtual event, and who knows? Maybe you’ll find a writing buddy, like I did!!! So, yeah! If you guys are interested, I will post all of the relevant information down below (again, just in case I missed some), and you can join us for the funnest virtual event ever – writerly chaos, behind-the-scenes talk, and lots of randomness!!

Date: March 31, 2025.

Time: 10 AM EST (New York’s time)

Where: YouTube!


What’s in store: All things reading, writing, and everything-in-between!!!

I am so excited for this!!! Eeek!! So yeah! Guys, I hope to see you there! And if you do miss the event, the recording should be available on YouTube afterwards!

This definitely took a while to put up, with me spending several late nights to do test livestreams with Journey. But it was so worth it!!! And of course, I got to hang out with her, and she’s awesome, so of course I didn’t mind!!! It was very fun!! The two of us just did a sort of practice last night, and eeeek, I can’t tell you too much, but I can say that I am so stoked for this!!!

So yeah! Guys, I hope you enjoyed this announcement, and I can confidently say that Journey and I are looking forward to seeing you guys there!


P.S. Nearly forgot to share this, but Journey has an awesome blog! Go check it out!

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About Isabelle Knight 104 Articles
Hi! I'm Isabelle Knight, the indie author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Enchantria! I've been writing ever since that boring summer vacation when I was ten years old! When I'm not writing, you can usually find me reading, playing with cats, and drawing!


  1. Nice cover design for the author event. 🙂 It’s sounds like fun! 🙂 ( I’m for sure going to watch it later ( because the time is when I am in bed. ))

    • Thanks! I made it with Canva! And don’t worry about missing the event – the recording will be available later! 🙂 Get some nice rest!!

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