Hello, all you wonderful readers!!! Happy Chinese New Year, and eeek!!! Yesterday morning, I woke up to the most FANTABULOUS news ever!!!! I made my first paperback sale!!!! I mean, I’ve told 13 ebooks before but… A PAPERBACK, people!!!! A PAPERBACK! A PHYSICAL, SHINY COPY!!! And to think, that someone (a complete stranger! 😱) could be holding my book, right in their hands!!! Or my book may be on their bookshelf!!!! Eeek!!! AMAZING!!!
So so so exciting!!! I cannot believe it!!! The paperback version of Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir was released on December 31, and I was so so so unsure that people would actually get it… But someone did!!! And I sold a book!!! Enchantria is now officially, physically, in the UK!!!! Hurray!!!!! 🎉🎈🎊🥳🥳🥳🥳
Let’s celebrate!
I am so excited and so so so… just in such disbelief!!! I sold a paperback!!! And on Chinese New Year, nonetheless!!! Journey, thank you so much for celebrating with me! It means a lot! (hugs and shares cookies) But eeeeek, paperback book in the UK!!! I wonder who bought it…
Guys, if you ever see my book in bookstores or get it, do send me a pic! Or post about it! (I probably won’t see it since I don’t have social media… But my dad might! And then he might show me! So I might see it!) Because, of course, it’s every author’s dream to see their books in the world!!!!!
Thank you so much to whoever bought my book!!! I do hope you enjoy it!!!! And if you did, leave a review!
But uh, yeah, I think you guys might have had enough of my mini freak-out right now. XD BUT I CANNOT HELP IT!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!! (I’m sorry, I really am much calmer than this in real life… Maybe… Sometimes… Depends on who you ask…)
Eeeek, first paperback sale! In the UK! I cannot believe this! When I first wrote Enchantria… It was just a little idea in my head, and I NEVER expected to actually publish it! But as I started writing, it just really became real to me! The world, the characters, and they just became a part of me. Looking back now… Well, I really wrote this story for me and the young reader I was back then. And now it’s there for all of you to enjoy!!! I hope it brings you a bit of joy and happiness during the dreariness of the outside world. Books are quite excellent at that job, in my opinion. Thank you so much to everyone who’s stuck by me during this journey!! I’m so grateful for all of you, especially my readers! (Yes, that means you!)
And yeah, that probably wraps up this post which may or may not be slightly annoying since I’m just so so so hyper. And looking back now that’s a lot of exclamation marks and all caps (my friend says I do use quite a lot of them…), so hopefully it doesn’t hurt for you to read through it. Thank you guys so much for coming, and I shall see you again in the next blog! In the meantime, keep an eye on my YouTube channel for an hour long interview with Valinora Troy!
P.S. Hopefully that post wasn’t too annoying for you to read lol. I can get quite excited…
I follow Ms. Troy’s blog and was delighted that you interviewed her. I’m in the U.S. and have just written a YA historical novel that takes place in 1950 in North Carolina. Would you be interested in being an ARC reader and reviewer? And I’d be open to an interview too if you need more authors! I’m impressed with your website and your interest in being a writer. I think I started many moons ago when i was around 10 too.
Here’s more about Half-Truths. It is for a slightly older audience, so if you think it’s appropriate, I can email your mom or dad and see if it’s OK with them.
Also, I have a team of tween and tween book reviewers and I was wondering if you’d like to be on my team. I receive ARCS from publishers and send out an email to see who wants to review the book. All of the books I recommend are clean reads. Speaking of which…I am the publicist for my publisher, MOnarch Press. We’re always looking for reviews of our books and I can add you to that list too!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Mrs. Baldwin
Carol Baldwin
[email protected]