Hello! I am very sorry for not being on here for a while, but things have been busily hectic what with me on vacation in Thailand, meeting a lady with 9 cats, getting glasses, and doing Preptober, but hey! I’m here now with a VERY important announcement!
So if you have been on this blog for a while, you will know that I am the author of Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir, the first book in the Enchantria series. And well, it’s a series after all, and book one did end on a cliffhanger. Well… I have an announcement!
Book two of Enchantria has been RELEASED!!!!
The book is called Enchantria: Sun and Flame, and here is the VERY official cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the very official cover that took forever to make. I did a whole lot of revising, the story did a whole lot of changing, took a while for me and my designer to get quite the right cover. But anywho, this is the official cover that I am VERY proud to present!!!!!!!

I love the cover so much, and I really like the kinda smoky texture going on over there because… surprise surprise, Elenora and her friends are going on a quest to the land of the dragons! I absolutely love it SO much, and I think it covers book two PERFECTLY!
Also, here is the official book blurb for Enchantria: Sun and Flame:
Strange magic. A mysterious riddle. A kingdom in the sky. An incurable disease.
Elenora and her friends have just returned from their failed quest to find the Tribe. And the last thing they’re looking for is another quest. But when the queen of Enchantria – the only one to lead them in war against Ravena, the dark sorceress – falls ill with Ivy Death, an incurable disease, they have no choice but to accept yet another quest – this one to solve an impossible riddle. And find Queen Sumeria of the sun fairies, the only known one to survive Ivy Death.
It’s a race against time, and with Ravena’s dark forces gathering, they will have to summon all their courage and strength to pull off yet another quest. Or else the queen dies. And to make matters worse, the Starpool, Enchantia’s only connection to the stars, has been frozen by a vengeful sorceress of snow and ice, and Elenora and her friends will have to uncover hidden secrets and go on a dangerous quest to Drakonia, land of the dragons. A land someone has yet to return from. Alive.
This is one of the LONGEST books I have ever written (308 pages)! I mean, that’s a lot. Definitely not as much as Keeper of Lost Cities though. For me to do that would be either a dream come true or a nightmare.
But anyway, yeah! I am SOOO happy to be able to share the magic of Enchantria with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second book is out now, and it costs 1.99 dolllars. Yes, it’s a tad bit more expensive than book one (which is only ninety nine cents), but that’s usually to be expected. And I also did spend a LOT of time on this along with several rounds of the dreaded revision so…. And it’s also PRETTY long.
WOOHOO!!! So, yeah, I hope you all buy this book (or just read it on Kindle Unlimited) and enjoy it! Also, if you haven’t seen book one, definitely go check that out! I’ll have both linked below or you can find them on the Books page of springfallschronicle.
Thank you all SO much for coming, a huge shout-out to all the people who helped and supported me – Lexi, Iola, and Imogen. And Pixie. Even though you didn’t really help with the writing, all your fun energy kept me sane during the long months of revision, Pixie. So a huge shout-out to her! – and thanks for coming! I will see you again in the next blog or on my YouTube Channel. After I update the Books page.
Annyeong! See ya soon! May the stars forever light your path,
Enchantria: Sun and Flame (Book Two)
Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir (Book One)
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