Okay, this is not my usual greeting, but something EXCITING HAS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!! (hyperventilates then takes a breath) Hold on. Okay… let’s try this again.
Hello, everyone! Isabelle Knight here again with HUGE news! So, as you know, (if you’ve been here for the previous posts) I am a middle grade fantasy author, working on a book series called Enchantria. Well… (clears throat) I have many things to announce today, including the brand new 200% improved cover of Enchantria! And the title change, book blurb change, etc. Oh, did I mention I have huge news? Drumroll, please.
It’s almost here, people!!! 🚀🌟✨Enchantria is OFFICIALLY on its way to the stores!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Yes, book one of the Enchantria series has been published (ebook only) and should be on its way to Amazon within 72 hours!!!!! 📚📚📚🎇🎇
I have gotten so many changes made, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! Also, if you do search for Enchantria right now, please hold off on buying the older versions, the one by Caroline Holten, my former pen name. Those are the first drafts and are definitely not as polished or as good as the final versions.
And now for the other announcements! Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter has gotten a title change! The new title is…
Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir
I think that Guardian’s Heir sounds way more magical and definitely fits Enchantria more. It took me a LOT of brainstorming with my cousin and a friend to come up with it. One of them was Kingdom of Magic and Stars. I ADORED it. But it doesn’t quite fit Enchantria (sorry, Enchantria!). It seems a bit TOO magical. Book one in the Enchantria series doesn’t have quite as much magic as the title suggests. The later books have a lot, but book one didn’t, so I didn’t use that.
And next up… the cover reveal! The actual official one. Someone suggested that I try to do my own cover. I was very skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a shot. Please note the cover isn’t like MINE. I’m not the one who drew it. A friend of mine helped do the actual drawing for the cover, but I did the brainstorming and what the cover should look like. So now, I present to you…

The cover for Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir!
I absolutely love it! The girl and the portal/glowing light look amazing! The typography was pretty hard to get right. I used Canva to do the typography, because I felt like Canva had a lot of design elements I wanted to use. Plus, I just could not give up the former typography! I LOVED IT! I also really like how my pen name is written at the bottom in that font. That font is legible, but also kinda elegant. I also just absolutely love the sort of decorative line above it! I added the glowing key on my own because, well, Elena has a golden key, and that absolutely HAD to be in the cover.
So, yeah, that’s probably the announcement. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope you’ll buy/read my book once it’s published, and I really hope you’ll like it! I spent a whole year on that. Right now, it only costs 99 cents, so it should be very affordable. Plus, it’s on Kindle Unlimited. And just to get you excited, here is the new and improved book blurb for Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir:
A golden key. A portal. A magical kingdom. A great prophecy… And an old enemy.
Eleven years ago, Elena Ramirez’s mother vanished, leaving behind nothing but a mysterious golden key that doesn’t open any lock. But on her sixteenth birthday, Elena discovers the key holds a deep secret. And when it somehow unlocks a portal in a mirror, Elena is sucked in. To the magical kingdom of Enchantria.
But not all is as it seems there. As an old and ancient prophecy unfolds, Enchantria’s greatest enemy, the Lady of Ravens, Ravena, awakens. Elena is the only one who can stop her. With no other choice, Elena is forced to become one of the guardians of the kingdom and embark on a quest to find the Tribe, a group of people who may or may not be real. If she fails… her mother’s home will be destroyed. Forever.
Ta-da! How’s that? I spent a whole morning on this. And yes, I am that terrible at book blurbs. It’s just hard to summarize everything in a few paragraphs and also make it sound great and dramatic. The book is middle grade fantasy and definitely perfect for anyone who is a fan of Wilderlore by Amanda Foody, Gail Carson Levine’s books, and maybe Warriors by Erin Hunter. And the series will definitely be perfect for fans of Bayala/The Fairy Princess and the Unicorn (this is a movie I watched. LOVED IT! May or may not have stolen a few things from it by accident).
So, yeah. I think this wraps up the announcement! I really hope this has made you just as excited about Enchantria as I am and will read the book when it comes out!
Oh, and by the way, this is the link to the book: (yes, it has come out! This was edited a day later):
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