Oh. My. Stars.
I cannot say in words how happy I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This amazing story, the continuation of Elenora’s story, is here!!! In the paperback edition!!!!!! IN ACTUAL WORDS!!! PRINTED IN ACTUAL PAPER!!!! IN ACTUAL PAGES!!! AND A COVER WRAP!!! (faints from pure excitement)
Eeek, this is amazing!!!! It’s there! NOW! LIVE!!! YOU CAN BUY IT!!!!!!!!
Hehe, anyway, yeah. Enough of me freaking out from excitement. I cannot believe that this is actually happening!!! If you told 10-year-old me that what I was writing would be published in print (on actual paper!!!) and that I’d be holding it in my hands only 2 years later (which, now that I think of it, is actually a lot… Has it seriously already been two years?!), I never would’ve believed you.
But I still may have freaked out from excitement.
I cannot believe it… I have two books!!! Released!!! In paperbacks!!! OH MY GOSH!!! (freaks out and does a happy dance). I can’t believe it… I just feel like I’ve come so far from I when I first wrote the prologue of my first book. Now I have TWO paperback books, three books released in total, an almost complete series, and I’m working on my fifth book!!!! Journey Bloomfield, thank you for celebrating with me!!!!! It was a joy!!! I hope to meet you at the conference later!!! (Though I fear it will take a lot of begging my parents to fly me ALLLLLLL the way across the world just for a conference….. 0_0 But if I can’t come in person, I shall celebrate with thee on video call!!!)
But, yeah, that’s what I wanted to announce for today!!! Go check it out!!!! It’s here!!! A brand new, fresh, smelling of glue and paper, shiny (fine, matte) paperback book!!!!!! Formatting was a huge pain, but it was so worth it to just hold your story in your hands and know that you’re one of them now!!! (You know, them? By that, I mean other authors with books on people’s bookshelves!!!) Book one also has a paperback which you can find on Amazon, and eeeeeeeek, this is so so so exciting!!!!
Leah Larkspur, you’re free to collect both paperback books now. ;D
Thank you so much, guys!!! Not just for reading this blog, but for sticking with me throughout the year on this amazing journey!!!!! Happy Chinese New Year, and I’ll see you in the next blog post!!!
Yay!!! Congratulations!! I can’t imagine the feeling of holding your own book in your hands. Someday, one day, I will get there! You’re so inspiring to me to reach that goal. In the mean time, YAAAAAAY!!!
You’re awesome Isabelle!! Keep it up!!
Awww, thank you so much!!! And yes, you WILL get there, Abygayle! I believe in you!!!