Hello, hello, hello! Isabelle Knight here! Woo-hoo! Today is the last day before my summer vacation! I don’t know about you though. But it’s June so… Also, I am so sorry that this is late. Very late. Okay, not that late but two days late. So sorry. I had… something come up.
Let’s just say that it involved a mediocre lunch at a restaurant and a tiring walk around the city with a sort of creepy lunch part two at Dicos. I don’t know if it’s the case where you are but the restaurant (do you call that a restaurant?) is absolutely filled Kung Fu Panda stuff. There are characters that are one the walls and tables and… I just don’t like it. They’re always just staring at me. Just glad they’re not in the restrooms. I was very tired the next day so…
Anyway, today, drum roll please, I will be doing the cover reveal for Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter, the first book in the Enchantria series. Yay!!! I am so excited!
You will find the final cover below!!!!!!!

Ta-da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (imagine a million more exclamation marks). I made this by myself with Canva. I don’t know if it looks professional, but I hope you think so. I really hope so. If not… (bangs head on the table). But this cover is certainly better than the previous cover I came up with. It was not good. I really really hope it’s professional. I made it myself with Canva and I have never studied design or art or anything like that. I am also… well, my drawing skills are mediocre. I don’t know. I guess they’re brilliant with some things (like drawing a rainbow jellyfish. Long story) and not so good at other things (a My Little Pony comic book I was attempting to draw for myself. It did not go well). I had to work with the elements available on Canva so…
Anyway, that is the final cover (hopefully) for Enchantria: Warrior’s Daughter! Woo-hoo! I am so excited! Oh, dear. There’s still one problem. Which category do I place this in? Announcements? I don’t have that one yet but I will be putting one on there. Do you think this goes into announcements? Maybe but not quite… Covers? Reveals? Maybe I’ll just change Teasers to Teasers and Reveals. Yeah, maybe that’ll work. Now I just have to figure out how to do that.
But that’s the cover reveal for book one in the Enchantria quartet! I think it’s a quartet. I have the first draft of the series and it’s four books but I had to pause mid-revision on book four to revise book two so I’m not too sure. Anyway, thanks so much for coming and I’ll be seeing you in the next post!
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