That sums up my emotions. Oh, and this – YAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!
(clears throat). Ahem. Anyway, welcome back, everyone! Isabelle Knight here again with the best news I could possibly present to you! Other than a new book, of course. So for those of you who have been staying updated on this blog (if so, thank you!), you will know that I have an amazing cover designer who’s my friend and am a huge Keeper of the Lost Cities fan!
Sooooo… I thought it would be really cool to do some character art!!! My friend and I have been hard at work, sketching and stuff, and I am proud and super excited to announce that we officially have ONE PIECE OF CHARACTER ART! And the lucky character?
Well, you saw the title, but anyway….. MAY I PRESENT TO YOU….
And now… the one, the only, wonderful piece of character art!!!!!!!!!!!!! TADA!

I love her so much! I still can’t believe that I actually have real character art now, and it’s still… Well, this would sum up my emotions – AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (screams and runs around in excitement)
I was inspired by Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger, actually. I was (actually, am) a huge fan of the books, and the character art Shannon Messenger has is just so amazing and beautiful! And it’s just so cool to be able to see your characters right in front of you! Plus, I have an amazing friend who’s an artist (wondering who did my covers? Look no further than a very good friend of mine!). Soooo…
We decided we’re going to do some character art!!! Sketch out a few ideas, pick one, and then begins the long process of coloring. I mean, if you look at Elenora’s character art, it’s pretty complex. But I just love it so much!!!
So, yeah!!! I hope you’re as happy to see this character art as I am!!! More shall be released over the course of 2025, along with another book in the Enchantria series (yes, there’s a book four!).
Thank you guys so much for coming!!! I’ll see you in the next post!! Also, don’t forget to check out our Christmas collab book when it comes out! We have over ten authors collaborating!!
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