Hello, everybody! Isabelle Knight here again! I haven’t been posting on this blog for a long time, and I’m really sorry about that. But I did do a writing update not long ago, and I’m back here again with the Book of the Month! Now just a warning before we get started. This book is not on Kindle Unlimited. There isn’t even an ebook version of it. Or at least, I haven’t found one on kindle. If you want it, you will have to buy a paperback. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get on with it!
Ahem… the Book of the Month is…
Lightning Falls by Amy Wilson!

I absolutely love this book! I read it in a bookstore, and I just had to buy it. I just love this! The book is about a girl named Valerie who lives in the Ghost House with other ghosts. (The ghosts are nice ones. This is not a horror book. All the ghosts are nice and friendly. One of my favorite characters is one). She was left at the Ghost House when she was three years old. No one, including her, knows where she came from and the only thing she has is a pendant. The other ghosts say she’s a Hallowed Ghost. Born on Halloween and just stuck in the middle. Not really dead or alive. She can float, pass through thing, but she can also eat and she still ages which the other ghosts don’t do. One day, when she’s outside, she sees a strange boy standing on the aqueduct with sparks shooting off him. I won’t give away any spoilers, but the boy comes from another world named Orbis where there’s magic and the river turns out to be the bridge to that other world. And that world is in the danger. The people’s magical anchors are being stolen which is causing them to sort of lose their power, and the boy has traveled to Lightning Falls (that’s the place where the ghost house is) to retrieve them.
And that’s sort of what it’s about. I won’t give away spoilers, but I’ll just tell you that Valerie will discover a lot of secrets. And that summary was hard to write. I’d definitely say it’s better than the last Book of the Month.
Anyway, I just LOVED this book. It has absolutely everything I love: magic, fantasy, incredible world-building, and it’s just so magical! The second I read the first page, I was just instantly sucked into this world. And that’s the kind of book I like. I like the characters too. They have a lot of depth, especially Valerie and Meg. Although, I feel like I didn’t really relate that much to Valerie.
My favorite character here has to be either Meg or Valerie. Both of them felt like they had a lot of depth, and Meg is just such an interesting character. She’s a ghost, a thirteen-year-old one (I think she’s thirteen. I don’t quite remember) who died about ninety years ago. She seems adventurous but also a bit sad at the same time, and I think that’s part of why she seems so intriguing.
Overall, Lightning Falls by Amy Wilson is just a wonderful book and full to the brim with magic! The characters are amazing, and I just fell in love with the world. I highly recommend this book if you’re a fan of magical adventures and middle grade fantasy. The world itself is rather simple, but so rich and captivating at the same time! Honestly, I just have to say, I’ve never read any book like this one. This is definitely one of my top ten favorites of all time! Just a reminder – it’s not available as an ebook. You’ll have to buy the paperback version, but it is totally worth it!
Thank you so much for coming and joining me for this Book of the Month! Stay tuned for more blog posts and the next Book of the Month. I just read a book yesterday that I think could very well be August’s Book of the Month. But we’ll see. Until next time! Bye!
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