Eeek!!!! OH MY GOODNESS. Only a few moments ago, I penned down the very last words of the first draft of an amazing new project!!!! Yes, you heard that right!!!!!!!!!!!! I am done with the very first draft of Island Keepers, my current WIP!!!!!! 🎉🎈🎊🥳🥳🥳🥳
WOOHOO!!!! I finished the Epilogue today, and wow. I think we’re only just seeing who the true villain is… ;D
It’s just the first draft, but the first draft is the most important part!!! Eeeeek!!!!!!! Writing this book has been AMAZING!!!! You hear me? Utterly amazing!!! And I finished it in less than a month, which is… unbelievable, even to me!!!! It normally takes 2 to 3 months for me to finish a first draft, but with Crazy Writing Week going on in January, I just got in the flow of writing!!!!! I didn’t even get writer’s block!
Now, I’m not claiming to be some super amazing writing who never gets writer’s block. I am SOOO not that lol. But I think it mostly was because of what I learned during December. Just write.
That’s it.
I try to avoid putting pressure on myself. Whenever I seat myself in front of the computer, I don’t say, “I have to finish this book” or “I have to publish this book”. Instead, I just tell myself, “Just write.” And that’s it. That’s all I have to do. It doesn’t even have to be my WIP!!! I just need to write and get into the flow!
So if you find yourself getting writer’s block often, I definitely recommend trying this.
Oh, and before I forget!!!! So, I made a YT post earlier of me finishing Chapter Nineteen and the climax (which was SO exciting and brought me to near tears!!!). I might as well post it here too.

Ta-da!!!! This is what it looked like. Eeeeeek, I still cannot believe it! And now I’m totally done with the book!!!! I FINISHED THE EPILOGUE!!! EEEK! WONDROUS NEWS THAT I JUST WANNA SHOUT TO THE HEAVENS! Just kidding of course – I’m recovering from the cold, and my throat couldn’t possibly handle that.
Oh, and in case you didn’t notice, I purposely left that teeeeny weeeeeny bit of text visible. Why? Because I wanted to let you have a little fun and give you a confusing, totally out of context spoiler for this WIP. I got this idea from a Goodreads question that someone asked Rick Riordan, and he responded with some dialogue from Hermes that I didn’t understand at all… lol.
But I decided to do the same!!! Let’s see how well you can guess. ;D
And on a side note, I am very very very very very very very, absolutely ECSTATICALLY EXCITED to announce that I have the great fortune of being able to interview Valinora Troy, the author of The Lucky Diamond trilogy!!!!!!!!!!!!! On video call, nonetheless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her books are AMAZING, and I absolutely love them!!!!! So magical and whimsical and heartwarming!!!!!! And I actually reached out to her to do an interview….
AND SHE SAID YES!!!! We actually had a short, five minute video call yesterday night to meet each other, and I was just… utterly speechless from PURE UTTER shock. !!!!! I mean… I can’t even describe it!!!!! Speaking to one of my favorite authors! On video call! And she’s reading my book! (promptly dies of excitement)
Okay, maybe that’s enough freaking out about good news for now. XD Not sure if this is annoying for you to read through at night…
Yesterday, the day was literally spent with me just holed up in my room and writing, writing, writing. I managed to churn out 6K and finish my book! Today, I spent the day holed up in my room too to just write!! I got nearly 3K!!! And I finished writing the Epilogue, which practically gave me chills.
And now onto the next!!!!! And once that’s done, I’ll just head back to revise Island Keepers.
What’s your next project?
That’s what you might be wondering, and the answer is, I’m not telling you. ;D You’re free to guess down below in the comments, though! I don’t respond, though. Ok, fine, I might respond with a cheeky emoji, but I’m not telling you the answer. XDD
But yeah, that’s it for today’s blog!!!!!!! I FINISHED A BOOK!!! Thank you guys so much for coming, and I shall see you again in the next post!!! Byeee!!!
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