Do You Have a Favorite Character in the Series? Why?

I feel like this is a classic question haha. And the answer is: Yes, I do! Well, I have several favorites, but I especially love Elenora, Arabella, Thalia, and Rani! I think they’re amazing! Elenora because, well, she’s the main character, and she goes through a really deep change throughout the series and a lot of her fears and worries reflect mine! Arabella because she’s always so stubborn and indignant on the surface, but as you progress through the series, you realize that there’s a lot more to her than meets the eye. And even though with that cliffhanger at the end of book three, I think you can tell she’s not plainly evil either. Thalia because… Well, I just love her! Her past was really interesting to delve into, and it really makes her a way better character! Rani… I don’t have a complete exact reason for her being one of my favorite characters, but I think she’s just so endearing!!!

How do You Come Up With the Magical Creatures and Powers in Your Books?

This is actually a question I’m still asking myself. So to put it plainly – I have absolutely no idea how I come up with these. I guess the subconscious part of my brain just really gets to work! However, I do often take a few features from regular animals that I like and try and make them magical in some way! As for the powers, I guess I really think of what the main character really needs. What power does she need? But at the same time, her power can’t be totally easy for her.

How Long Does it Take You to Write a Book?

It depends on every story! Each story is unique and some are more complex than the others. It took me six months to write the first draft of Enchantria: Guardian’s Heir and it took another three months for me to revise and edit. The other books came way faster, often in around three months which I still cannot believe.

Do You Write Every Day?

Yes. Yes, I do. I love writing so much, I couldn’t ever imagine a day when I don’t write! Plus, building consistency is really important!!! It gets you in the flow of things and gradually, writing just becomes a part of you!

Are There Any Scenes or Characters That Were Especially Hard to Write?

Ooooh, I’m gonna have to think about that one. I’d say the scene that was the absolute hardest to write would be… the confrontation in Enchantria: Champion. Some of you might know what I’m talking about, some of you may not. But it’s the scene in the third book where Elenora finally confronts Namari about the thing she discovered in the Forbidden Library at Meeting of Leaders. It was just… hard for me to write, for some reason. Namari isn’t the most open character, so to delve deep into her past is kind of hard and also plainly terrifying. I hate to say it, but she scares me… Just a lil bit.

What’s the Editing Process Like for Your Books? Do You Enjoy It?

Oof. (winces). I have mixed feelings about the editing process. On one hand, you really get to shape your story into something magnificent! On the other, that’s where everything really starts to become less free and explorational (for me, at least) and more nitty-gritty. I have to worry about plot holes now, character arcs, character inconsistencies. And all those do need to be fixed. But it can be a grueling job.

Do You Ever Get Writer’s Block, and How do You Overcome It?

Oh my stars, of course I do!!! Every single writer on the planet has had writer’s block! It usually happens when I’m pushing the story in a direction it really, really doesn’t want to go. If that’s the case, then I usually step back and try and let go of my expectations, even when it’s the editing stage. Mainly because the story still needs space to grow and become just the right story! If the writer’s block is because I can’t think of what to happen next, I usually write down a list of ideas of what could happen – even the most outlandish ones – and I tell myself I will not stop until I get to 12! Usually that helps. If not, then I let myself take a break.

If You Could Meet One of Your Characters in Real Life, Who Would it be and Why?

Ohhhhhhh, this is so hard!!! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY PICK JUST ONE?! I love them all so much!!! But I guess maybe Rani. She’s the Starseer apprentice and has a lot of wisdom. Plus, I wrote her to be the kind of character who’s serious but also has a slightly dreamy vibe. Kind of like me! So we’d probably get along.

Do you plan to write stories outside the Enchantria universe in the future?

Well, it’s too early to tell you much about what I’m currently working on. Sorry!!! This is mainly because I’m trying to avoid pressure at all costs since it utterly… destroys me. Pressure definitely takes all the fun out of writing so… I guess we’ll see! ;D

Which Enchantria character are you most like in real life?

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but definitely Rani! However, I think that a lot of my characters really represent different sides of me. Elenora is my usual self, with all my fears and worries. Arabella is my rebellious side. Queen Rosaleen is my wise side and on and on and on.

If you could have one magical ability from the Enchantria universe, which would it be?

Well, sorceresses don’t have just one magical ability – they have magic that enables them to do many things, so there isn’t just one ability! However, I would very much like to harness the power of the stars. I know how this might sound, but it just looks so cool in my mind as I write it!!! I mean, the flash of blue light, the powerful energy! It’s definitely an awesome adventure scene!

What’s Your Advice for Young Writers?

My advice is the simplest advice possible. It’s so simple but so true and the absolute most important part of being a writer. Write. You hear me? My advice for all young writers is to just write! You don’t have to worry about the quality, you don’t need to worry if others are gonna like it. Maybe those will come up again. But that’s later in the process. For now, focus on writing and creating something you love! Write and have fun with it! Write what you love, what you want to write, and what you know you just really have to write! And keep doing it! Don’t give up. Because the world can be harsh. There are people out there who simply don’t understand and people who’ll try to discourage you. But when that happens, keep going!!! You’re never going to achieve your dreams if you quit. The only way you could possibly fail is if you gave up.

So keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep reaching for the stars! You can do this! I have complete and utter faith that you absolutely have it in you! It’ll be hard, sure. But that’s what makes it worth doing!!! So when times get touch (and they absolutely will), keep writing. And remember that I’m with you every step of the way! I believe in you.